Sunday, July 6, 2008

Sunday, Sunday

I am so glad that we belong to a church 'family' of sorts. I am glad there are people not related to me but still care what is happening to the girls, to me, to my husband.

Why must the girls screech at each other? I am struggling lately with how the younger ones treats the older one, she is SO bossy and it brings out this fabulous whiny side in my older one (not so much fabulous for those of you non-existent readers that thought I was serious).

My house is a mess. I went on 'vacation', came home and didn't immediately resume my cleaning schedule and now, two days later, I am sitting in chaos. TWO DAYS! HOW is this possible that I am so responsible for EVERYTHING that two days is enough to send it all into a place that makes my house look like it was robbed without any of the actual 'stuff' taken? Blah.

So now I am off to do a big clean and also purge because the lovely people a the local some illness charity will come and take anything you want to give them and there will be lots going on Wednesday when they pull up that great big truck they use. I love the feeling that comes from cleaning out the house, not just cleaning up. It also horrifies me that anyone would have so much that there is lots to give away that will not even be missed. I mean, there are people in the world who could hold all that they own in their hands. Something is very wrong with that.

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