Sunday, June 8, 2008

Where's Samantha when you need her?

So tonight we went to see "S#x and the City", which I watched every week that it was on television. It was great to see these beautiful women who looked (more or less) their age. I mean, they weren't old women trying to act like they were teenagers, or (thank goodness) dress like them.

One thing that stuck out was Charlotte talking about waiting for her 'bad thing' to happen. I really got that; I mean, I don't go around waiting for lightning to strike, but I still have that voice in the back of my head that says "That pain, I thnk that's cancer." I really have to break that, so yet again I am committing to losing the weight, and taking better care of myself, for ME, not just for the kids, or Brent, but for me. Plus, after tonight, I want to dress better too...I'm still not getting the whole tutu thing that Carrie has going on, or for that matter most of her outfits, but a little dressier/grown up may be a good thing.

My friend and I went garden touring this afternoon (and also talked about all the subject areas above...I really need more Samantha in my life and a whole lot less Miranda). What a lot of work people have put into their gardens, but I must say ours is coming along...give me a few more years and a yardboy and I'll have our garden on the tour.

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