Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Succefssully demonstrated

RAIN!! Please, for the love of all that is holy let it get sunny, especially in time for the baby's 4th birthday on Saturday.

I feel like it's January...I'm feeling like a cold is coming on, it's too cold to go out, and we've been inside all day. Add to that the 20 report cards I had to do (useless, useless things) and it was an all 'round blah day. I did, however, finish the report cards, so that's a very good thing. I am very tired of the phrase "successfully demonstrated". I am so glad that we are homeschooling, so very glad. How awful is it that I MUST assign a grade to 6 year olds on each subject area. I mean, come on, am I really going to give a child a 'C' for Art?

I was up lots last night, I am (and I ask for forgiveness for it) worried that I have something going on gall bladder wise. Then I go online to self-diagnose myself and I convince myself it really, really serious. Then today I go to another site (do you see how I will do anything to avoid report cards?) to do a depression test, because maybe it's panic attacks causing the pain and I test out as severely depressed, not even middle of the road depressed, but severely. Oy vey. I think it was the rain.

The girls spent their days in pjs and dress up clothes. I look at sites like Anna's and I so want to be like her, and then a day like this happens. Blah.

But report cards are done.

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