Monday, June 16, 2008

Hello, my name is James and I am addicted to books...

So the latest Amazon offering has's almost getting to the point where I will have to become one of those women who squirrel shoe boxes away in the back of their closet to prevent their husbands from finding out about their shopping. Unfortunately, I have lost the key to the mailbox and now the only key resides in Brent's car, and therefore he is the one to pick up the mail. So there is no hiding the fact that I have, yet again, spent some of his hard earned money on books. In fact, this book, this book, and yes, this book.

Anyhoo, I have to work tomorrow (to help fund my online book shopping habit)...a whole day away from children, what will I do with myself? Not only that, a whole day with teachers discussing educational philosophies! Which will go swimmingly until they ask where my children go to school...then you'll hear the crickets chirp, let me tell you.

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