Saturday, July 12, 2008


Went to see Hancock, Will Smith's new word review- meh. Not the worst, definitely not the best.

Today we got the kids' playhouse finished, as far as painting. It's irritating that they have had a hard time finding 'something to do' in the last few 'slow' days, when I could list off a selection of things as long as my arm. Is is that age old parent/child thing? Or have we given them too much scheduled 'stuff' that they really have temporarily lost the ability to entertain themselves? I am always spouting off about choices- you pick one colour of paint for your walls, you can't paint with another at the same time, you pick one car to buy, so that eliminates the other. So does that also mean I can't have children who take different classes who can also entertain themselves? Is it an either/or question? Along those same lines, do you have to have a childhood with nothing provided for you in order to appreciate the small things in life? I wonder about that when I see the shelves of books we have, or the playhouse in the yard that I yearned for and my own children take as a due course. I mean, they like it and even appreciate it, but never having been without it in their memory maybe makes it less valuable.

We've been reading old Raggedy Anne books, which I love and so does Mary, Laura is still attached to only picture books, and kind of floats around us when we're reading them. The books are not well written and have a very quaint (possibly not politically correct)air to them, but I'm finding that it is part of the charm. It reminds me of when I was very young before I realized that everyone wasn't exactly the same and that there were troubles and worries galore.

I am desperate for something to read and I need to go out alone for a bit to the bookstore and find something. I am addicted to Amazon, but nothing beats going through row upon row of actual books looking for a new read. Any suggestions?

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