Monday, August 4, 2008

Monday, Monday

Technically it's Monday, but it's only 5:00 in morning, so that shouldn't count. In fact, since I have been awake from 3:00, it still feels very much like Sunday night, which does not bode well for the day, no indeedy.

Brent has really gotten into the "I'm on summer vacation" groove, and is staying up until all hours. He's also super busy with computer work (other people's computers) and I worry about him working too much/too hard. Of course, then he'll not rise from bed until 9:00 and that just makes me cross too...I mean you could go to bed at a reasonable hour and then get up early to work. Or maybe we could just all cut back a little bit and then he wouldn't take on all these jobs. Except he would, so maybe we should benefit from it? I don't know.

I think I'll go clean (surprise!surprise!) my house before everyone gets up, and I'm going to do up my new and improved daily schedule. I really want to start in with our more rigid routine before September, I don't want it to all hit at once. I read someone's post about making a big deal about the 'first' day of school...and of course all the anxiety of what I may be 'depriving' the girls of came bubbling up. Blah. I think I need more regular sleep, just like the girls I function SO much better with proper sleep. If I don;t have some soon I can see myself spiralling into a really dark month...

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